Pressure Calibration

E+E accredited laboratory performs calibrations of measuring devices for absolute, for positive and negative gauge pressure as well as for differential pressure:

Absolute pressure: 0.1…101 bar (1.45...1465 psi)
Relative pressure: -0.9…100 bar (-13...1450 psi)
Differential pressure: -0.3...9 bar (-43.5...131 psi)

Scope of Accreditation E+E Calibration Laboratory

Calibration Calibration object Measurement conditions Measurement range Calibration uncertainty
AA 0608 Lab Absolute pressure sensor (23 ±3) °C 750...1000 mbar
1000...1250 mbar
0.0875 mbar - 0.00132 % of m.v.
0.0611 mbar + 0.00132 % of m.v.
AA 0608 Lab Absolute pressure sensor (23 ±3) °C 0.1...1 bar
1...21 bar
21...101 bar
0.00028 bar
0.01 % of m.v. + 0.00018 bar
0.011 % of m.v. + 0.00006 bar
AA 0608 Lab Relative pressure sensor (23 ±3) °C -0.9...0 bar
0...<20 bar
20...100 bar
0.00028 bar
0.01 % of m.v. + 0.00028 bar
0.011 % of m.v. + 0.00016 bar
AA 0608 Lab Differential pressure sensor (23 ±3) °C 0...0.3 bar
0.3...9 bar
0.19 % of m.v. + 0.00005 bar
0.16 % of m.v. + 0.00006 bar
AA 0608 Lab Differential pressure sensor (23 ±3) °C -0.3...0.3 bar
-0.05...0.05 bar
0.0000342 bar + 0.00000274 % of m.v.
0.0000066 bar + 0.0000024 % of m.v.


Calibration Procedure

A pressure calibrator is used for the calibration of absolute and relative pressure meters. The generator consists of a pressure regulating unit, as well as two quartz relative pressure sensors for reference, and a quartz barometer.

The pressure drop of a gas stream is measured at a needle valve for the calibration of differential pressures. 

Inquire Calibration

Accompanying Slip

For efficient processing of your calibration order, please also send us a fully completed accompanying slip with the measuring device to be checked. 

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