- 绿色大棚
- 果蔬存储
- 孵化器
- 畜牧棚
- E+E双光束测量技术
- 测量范围最高达10000ppm
- 自动校准功能使变送器保持出众的长期稳定性
- 温度依赖性低
- 抗污染能力高
- 电压或电流输出
- 安装简便
- 用户校准
- CO₂测量范围
- 0...2000 ppm0...5000 ppm0...10000 ppm
- 精度(在25 °C 和1013mbar时)
- ± (50ppm + 测量值的2%)± (50ppm + 测量值的3%)± (100ppm + 测量值的5%)
- 模拟输出
- 0-10V 或4-20mA
- 供电
- 24V DC
40 多年来,E+E Elektronik 一直在其位于奥地利恩格维茨多夫的总部研发和制造高精度和具有长期稳定性的传感器。从敏感元件到精密的校准测量设备,益加义公司高度垂直化的生产管理体系,不仅有效保证了其产品符合高质量标准,而且能够响应客户的特定要求。
此外,E+E Elektronik还提供:
- 符合高质量标准认证体系的传感器校准
- 高效服务——通过全球各国当地子公司提供服务
- 快速的交货时间
Not at all. Do not temper in any way with the CO₂ sensing cell. Please see the operation manual of the specific E+E CO₂ measurement device.
Please the section "Maintenance" in the operation manual.
All E+E CO₂ measuring devices feature an auto-calibration function. For details please refer to "Principles of CO₂ measurement".
Transmitter with "two-wire" technology receive the power from the process, and the signal is carried on return wire (closed current loop). With "three-wires" technology the power supply is separate from current output: 2 wires are the power supply and the third carries the signal.
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