
  • Moisture in Oil



EE364变送器可以测量油中水活性(aw)、温度(T)和计算绝对水分含量(x)(ppm)。参数的测量值通过两路模拟通道和一路数字通道输出,输出信号分别是4-20mA电流信号和MODBUS RTU通讯接口。


  • 监测
    • 变压器油
    • 润滑油
    • 液压油
    • 机械润滑油
    • 柴油
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  • 测量油中水活性(aw) 和温度(T)和水分含量(x) (ppm)
  • 双通道4-20mA模拟信号输出
  • 最大耐压20bar
  • G ½" ISO 或 ½" NPT工艺连接
0...1 aw-40...100 °C
±0.02 aw±0.2 °C
2 x 4-20 mA / MODBUS RTU
10-28 V DC
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40 多年来,E+E Elektronik 一直在其位于奥地利恩格维茨多夫的总部研发和制造高精度和具有长期稳定性的传感器。从敏感元件到精密的校准测量设备,益加义公司高度垂直化的生产管理体系,不仅有效保证了其产品符合高质量标准,而且能够响应客户的特定要求。

此外,E+E Elektronik还提供:

  • 符合高质量标准认证体系的传感器校准
  • 高效服务——通过全球各国当地子公司提供服务
  • 快速的交货时间
E+E Elektronik总部
E+E Elektronik 总部,奥地利恩格维茨多夫


The main difference is the hardware interface. The Modbus RTU protocol runs on RS485 Hardware while Modbus TCP/IP protocol runs on Ethernet hardware.

Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).

Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual or detail and spare part code ordering guide.

Please see the cleaning instructions.

No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.

The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see  our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".

No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.

Transmitter with "two-wire" technology receive the power from the process, and the signal is carried on return wire (closed current loop). With "three-wires" technology the power supply is separate from current output: 2 wires are the power supply and the third carries the signal.

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Joanna Yang | 益加义感器技术(上海)有限公司销售经理
Joanna Yang | 益加义感器技术(上海)有限公司销售经理
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