Miniature-Sensor Module for CO₂, Temperature and Barometric Pressure
The EE895 3-in-1 sensor module is an ideal choice for measuring devices for demand controlled ventilation, building automation or for process control. Due to the low power consumption, the module is also suitable for battery-operated devices such as hand-held meters, data loggers or wireless transmitters.
A Single Module - 3 Measurands
The EE895 module measures not only the CO₂ concentration up to 10,000 ppm (1% CO₂) but also the temperature (T) and ambient pressure (p). The pressure and temperature compensation with on-board sensors minimizes the impact of the environment onto the CO₂ measurement. As a result, the EE895 offers a particularly high CO₂ measurement accuracy, independent of altitude or changing ambient conditions.
Long-Term Stable CO₂ Measuring Principle
The dual wavelength NDIR CO₂ measuring principle with auto-calibration ensures excellent long-term stability, as it automatically compensates for aging effects and is particularly resistant to contamination. The multi-point CO₂ and temperature factory adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO₂ measurement accuracy over the entire T working range from -40...60 °C (-40...140 °F).
Easy Design-In
The I²C and UART interfaces, the very small dimensions of only 35 mm x 15 mm x 7 mm (1.38" x 0.6" x 0.27") and various mounting options facilitate the design-in of the sensor module.
Flexibly Configurable
The EE895 module can be configured via the digital interface. The CO₂ measurement interval can be set according to the application and the power requirements.
EE895 Evaluation Board for Test Purposes
The evaluation board, which is available as an accessory, allows easy testing of the EE895 with a view to the intended application. It is connected to the PC via a USB cable. Using the sensor evaluation software, which is available free of charge, the measurement data can be visualised and logged. Users have the option to set the EE895's measurement interval, and the desired measurement units for temperature and pressure.
Design Data and Support Literature
The electronic design data of the EE895 is available free of charge from the download area of the E+E website. This means that the 3D data from the sensing module can be quickly and easily transferred to a CAD design tool. Using the I²C interface, the EE895 module can be connected to various single board computers such as the Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Step-by-step instructions (available from the download area) help you program and integrate the EE895 into your application.
Typical Applications
- Demand controlled ventilation
- Building automation
- Process control
- Data loggers, hand-held instruments
- Wireless transmitters
- Dual wavelength NDIR with autocalibration
- T and p compensation of the CO₂ measurement
- Very low power consumption and peak current
- I²C or UART interface
- Measuring range CO₂
- 0...2000 ppm0...5000 ppm0...10000 ppm
- Accuracy CO₂ at 25 °C (77 °F) and 1013 mbar (14.69 psi)
- ±(50 ppm +2% of mv)±(50 ppm +3% of mv)±(100 ppm +5% of mv)
- Measuring range Pressure
- 700…1100 mbar (10.15...15.95 psi)
- Accuracy Pressure at 25 °C (77 °C)
- typ. ± 2 mbar
- Measuring range Temperature
- -40…60 °C (-40...140 °F)
- Accuracy Temperature at 25 °C (77 °F)
- typ. ± 0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F)
- Digital interface
- I²C or UART
- Supply
- 3.3 - 5V DC

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Soluzioni personalizzate per risultati precisi
Da oltre 40 anni, E+E Elektronik sviluppa e produce i suoi sensori di alta precisione e stabili a lungo termine esclusivamente nella sua sede austriaca di Engerwitzdorf. L'elevato livello di integrazione verticale - dall'elemento sensibile al dispositivo di misura calibrato con precisione - non solo garantisce la conformità ai più elevati standard di qualità, ma consente anche all'azienda di rispondere alle esigenze specifiche dei clienti.
Inoltre, E+E Elektronik offre
- Calibrazione accreditata dei sensori per i più alti standard di qualità
- Servizio efficiente - in tutto il mondo attraverso le filiali locali
- Tempi di consegna brevi

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