Condensation Monitor

  • Humidity
  • Dew Point


The EE046 warns early and reliably of a condensation risk. It thus helps to prevent dripping or mould at critical cold spots. The condensation monitor can be mounted on flat surfaces and on pipes.

Reliable Condensation Warning
Condensation on a surface occurs when the relative humidity (RH) of the air close to the surface reaches 100 %. The EE046 condensation monitor measures accurately the relative humidity of the air at the surface temperature. An early warning is given via the relay output when this reaches a value of 90 % RH, just before condensation occurs. The relay also indicates a power supply failure or a broken cable. Additionally, an LED indicates the operating status of the EE046 (normal operation / alarm / power supply failure).

Mounting on Surfaces and Pipes 
The EE046 condensation monitor is available in two versions. The wall/pipe mount model is appropriate for installation on flat surfaces and on pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm (2"). It is mounted on cooling ceilings, on cooling or cold water piping, cooled surfaces and chilled beams.

Snap-On Model for Pipes with 16 mm (0.63") Diameter 
The snap-on model can be mounted on plastic and aluminium composite pipes with 16 mm (0.63") diameter. Typical applications for this model are cooling and heating by concrete core activation.

Fast Response Time, Long-Term Stable Measurement 
Because of the very good thermal coupling with the surface, the EE046 responds very quickly to humidity or surface temperature changes.

The high-quality humidity sensing element is protected against dust and dirt by the E+E proprietary coating. This ensures long-term stable and reliable measurements in harsh and polluted environments.

Typical Applications

  • Concrete core activation
  • Chilled beams
  • Switching cabinets
  • Climate control
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  • Fast response time
  • Dust protection
  • Compact design and easy mounting
  • LED status indication
Working range
10...100% RH
Switching point
90 ±3% RH
Response time at change of the surface temperature
t90 < 3 min.
Response time at change of the relative humidity
t90 < 25 sec.
Max. switch load
24 V AC/DC, 1 A
24 V AC/DC
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Soluzioni personalizzate per risultati precisi

Da oltre 40 anni, E+E Elektronik sviluppa e produce i suoi sensori di alta precisione e stabili a lungo termine esclusivamente nella sua sede austriaca di Engerwitzdorf. L'elevato livello di integrazione verticale - dall'elemento sensibile al dispositivo di misura calibrato con precisione - non solo garantisce la conformità ai più elevati standard di qualità, ma consente anche all'azienda di rispondere alle esigenze specifiche dei clienti.

Inoltre, E+E Elektronik offre

  • Calibrazione accreditata dei sensori per i più alti standard di qualità
  • Servizio efficiente - in tutto il mondo attraverso le filiali locali
  • Tempi di consegna brevi
Per saperne di più su E+E
Sede centrale di E+E Elektronik a Engerwitzdorf, Austria
Sede centrale di E+E Elektronik

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Danilo Anilonti | Responsabile vendite E+E Elektronik Italia S.r.l
Danilo Anilonti | Direttore vendite E+E Elektronik Italia S.r.l.
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