CO₂ Sensor for Railway Applications

  • CO₂


EE8915 measures reliably CO₂ concentration in harsh environment and complies with the relevant railway standards. Active pressure and temperature compensation with on-board sensors leads to best CO₂ measurement accuracy independent of temperature, altitude or weather conditions.

The EE8915 incorporates the E+E dual wavelength NDIR CO₂ sensor, which compensates for ageing effects, is highly insensitive to pollution and offers outstanding long-term stability. A multi-point CO₂ and temperature adjustment procedure leads to excellent measurement accuracy over the entire temperature working range.

The innovative design enables the combination of short response time and high protection class. The CO₂ measured data is available simultaneously as voltage and current output signal. The free EE-PCS Product Configuration Software facilitates the configuration and adjustment of the EE8915.

Due to the compliance with the tough railway standards, the EE8915 stands for excellent performance in any challenging process and climate control application.

Compliance with railway standards

  • EN50155:2017- Electronic equipment used on rolling stock
  • EN50121-1:2017 - Electromagnetic compatibility - general
  • EN50121-3-2:2016 - Electromagnetic compatibility - rolling stock
  • EN61373:2010 - Rolling stock equipment - shock and vibration tests
  • EN50125-1 - Environmental conditions for equipment - rolling stock and on-board equipment
  • EN45545-2 - Fire protection on railway vehicles
  • EN50306 - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance
Siamo a vostra completa disposizione per qualsiasi domanda! Richiedi ora
  • E+E dual wavelength NDIR working principle
  • T and p compensation with on-board sensors
  • IP65 protection class
  • Short response time
  • Excellent long-term stability
  • High insensitivity to pollution
  • Voltage and current outputs
  • User configurable and adjustable
Measuring range
0...2000 ppm0...5000 ppm0...10000 ppm
Accuracy - *mv - measured value
± (50 ppm +2% of mv*)± (50 ppm +3% of mv*)± (100 ppm +5% of mv*)
0-5 / 10V and 0 / 4-20mA
10-35 V DC
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Soluzioni personalizzate per risultati precisi

Da oltre 40 anni, E+E Elektronik sviluppa e produce i suoi sensori di alta precisione e stabili a lungo termine esclusivamente nella sua sede austriaca di Engerwitzdorf. L'elevato livello di integrazione verticale - dall'elemento sensibile al dispositivo di misura calibrato con precisione - non solo garantisce la conformità ai più elevati standard di qualità, ma consente anche all'azienda di rispondere alle esigenze specifiche dei clienti.

Inoltre, E+E Elektronik offre

  • Calibrazione accreditata dei sensori per i più alti standard di qualità
  • Servizio efficiente - in tutto il mondo attraverso le filiali locali
  • Tempi di consegna brevi
Per saperne di più su E+E
Sede centrale di E+E Elektronik a Engerwitzdorf, Austria
Sede centrale di E+E Elektronik


All E+E CO₂ measuring devices feature an auto-calibration function. For details please refer to "Principles of CO₂ measurement".

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Downloads EE8915

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Danilo Anilonti | Responsabile vendite E+E Elektronik Italia S.r.l
Danilo Anilonti | Direttore vendite E+E Elektronik Italia S.r.l.
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