Misuratore portatile per l’umidità nell’olio
Oilport 30 Set
Il misuratore portatile Oilport 30 è usato per la misurazione del contenuto di umidità e della temperatura di diversi tipi di olio. L'utilizzo semplice ed intuitivo mediante il display TFT touchscreen e la funzione di data logging integrata rendono l'Oilport 30 lo strumento ideale per analisi veloci ed accurate.
Grandezze misurabili
- Contenuto relativo di acqua / attività dell'acqua [aw]
- Contenuto assoluto di acqua [ppm]
- Temperatura [°C / °F]
Analogamente all'umidità nell'aria, il contenuto di acqua in un olio può essere espresso in modo assoluto in ppm o come contenuto relativo di acqua aw.
- ppm (massa di acqua / massa di olio)
- aw (contenuto corrente di acqua in relazione al contenuto di acqua in un campione di olio saturo). Un olio completamente privo di acqua ha un valore aw uguale a 0, un olio completamente saturo ha un valore aw uguale ad 1.
Il misuratore Oilport 30 determina l'attività dell'acqua aw e la temperatura T. Inserendo i parametri specifici dell'olio il misuratore può calcolare il contenuto di acqua espresso in ppm e mostrarlo sul display.
- Sonda per lavorare in pressioni fino a 20 bar
- Utilizzata insieme alla valvola a sfera opzionale questa sonda può essere inserita ed estratta senza interrompere il circuito idraulico.
- Sonda corta Ø12mm
Ideale per misurare velocemente campioni di olio
Prodotti correlati
Downloads Oilport 30 Set
No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.
The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).
Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).
Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).
Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).
Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).
Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual for detail and spare part code ordering guide.
Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual for detail and spare part code ordering guide.
Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual for detail and spare part code ordering guide.
Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual for detail and spare part code ordering guide.
Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual for detail and spare part code ordering guide.
No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.
No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.
No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.
No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.
No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.
No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.
No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.
No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.
No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.
Please see the cleaning instructions.