Flow Meter for Compressed Air and Gases

E+E Elektronik provides high-quality humidity and temperature sensors especially for the sensitive area of food processing. Precise climate control is essential in this sector, for example in maturing chambers for meat and sausage products or in the production of cereals. A key element of our products is the sensor coating, which ensures excellent long-term stability of the sensor in salty air. Another significant advantage is the ease with which the measuring tip can be replaced.


EE741 - flow meter for compressed air and gases


Modular, Compact In-line Flow Meter for DN15 to DN50

The modular inline flow meter is dedicated for metering and monitoring of compressed air and technical gases in DN15 to DN50 (1/2" - 2") pipes. Outstanding measuring accuracy due to multi-point factory adjustment at 7 bar (102psi) air pressure.

Flow sensor EE771


Flow Sensor for Compressed Air and Gases

Flow Sensor for Compressed Air and Gases for DN15 - DN50 (1/2" - 2") and up to 16 bar (232 psi). The measurement ball valve permits rapid installation and removal with only a short interruption of the flow.

Mass flow sensor EE772


Flow Sensor for Compressed Air and Gases DN40 – DN80 / 40 bar

Multifunctional flow sensor for DN40 - DN80 (1 1/2" - 3") up to 40 bar (580 psi). Gauge mounting block with hot tap valve for installation and removal without interruption of the flow. Mounting possibility for pressure and dew point sensors.

Mass flow meter EE776


Insertion Mass Flow Meter for DN50 - DN700 (2" - 28") and Up to 16 bar (232 psi)

Insertion mass flow meter with patented non-return protection for secure mounting. Use in pipelines DN50 up to DN700 (2" to 28"). Installation and removal without interruption of the flow.

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