- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
Use the RS485 kit for retrofitting (order number HA010605), see the data sheet and user manual of your specific E+E product.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
The device indicates an error according to NAMUR NE43. For details, please see the user manual of your specific E+E product.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
The device has one GND connection for the power supply, an analogue output GND and an interface GND, see connection diagram in the user manual. The analogue output GND and the interface GND carry only the current output resp. interface current, which results in a more stable signal compared to a mix GND connection.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
Press 2x ► | 5x ◄ | 1x ▲ | 3x ◄ | 1x ▼ | 1x ► then select the "Configuration menu" and press ENTER. Scroll down to “Diagnosis”, press ENTER and scroll down to “Password protection” here you can see the previously set password.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
Connect the device via the USB service interface to a PC running PCS10 Product Configuration Software and read out the communication setting.
Alternative for device with display: the display configuration menu has a section for Modbus settings (RS485, Modbus RTU) or IP settings (Ethernet, Modbus TCP) where you can see the actual setting or change it.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
Connect the device via the USB service interface to a PC running PCS10 Product Configuration Software and see at the section "Log data download" for the data memory status.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
Remote probe types can be retrofitted with an Ethernet interface using HA010606, see data sheet and operation manual of your specific E+E product.
- EE310
- EE360
The device requires a firmware update. Connect the device via the USB service interface to a PC running PCS10 Product Configuration Software and confirm the update to version 1.20 or greater.
- EE310
- EE360
- HTS801
The measured data logged by the device can only be downloaded via the USB service interface to a PC running the PCS10 Product Configuration Software.
- EE310
- EE360
The pluggable remote probe has a label with the serial number close to the connector. This must be the same as the serial number of the basis device. Refer to the operation manual further details.
- EE364
- EE310
The main difference is the hardware interface. The Modbus RTU protocol runs on RS485 Hardware while Modbus TCP/IP protocol runs on Ethernet hardware.
I²C a standardized on-board serial interface between one controller and multiple devices using data and clock line. For details about I²C, please see NXP UM10204 I²C-bus specification and user manual, Rev. 6, 4 April 2014.
E2 is a serial interface designed by E+E with unique command structure as well as reduced clock speed comparted to I²C. For more details about E2 please see E2 Interface Specification.
- EE03
- EE07
The maximum cable length depends on the product, clock speed, and pull-up resistor, and can be up to 10m. For detail please see E2 interface for humidity probes/modules.
I²C is an on-board interface, with bus lines up to 10 cm. For longer bus please see the NXP wiring pattern.
- EE03
- EE07
Only one E+E device can be connected to the E2 interface of a controller.
Each I²C devices does have its own ID by series, as long as this ID is unique in the bus this module or component can get built into the bus.
- Humor 20
The Humor 20 scope of supply includes an inspection certificate according to DIN EN 10204 – 3.1 in the standard scope of supply. An accredited calibration certificate with specific test points is available upon request.
- Humor 20
Please mention that you require an accredited calibration certificate when inquiring for a new Humor 20 or when returning for service or re-calibration an existing Humor 20. The most common accredited certificate feature 3 calibration points (15/55/90 %RH) or 5 calibration points (15/35/55/75/90 %RH). Other certificates upon request.
- Humor 20
During normal operation mode, increase the humidity generated by the Humor 20 to the maximum by rotating the blue knob counter-clockwise. The Humor 20 display will show around 100% RH, flashing. Open the cover of the distilled water tank and remove the cover from the calibration chamber. If the display shows is 100 %RH ±0.8 %RH, the Humor 20 is within specifications. Is the reading is beyond 100 %RH ±0.8 %RH please see the operation manual, chapter 6.4.
- Humor 20
This is the sensing head from the plausibility sensor from the Humor 20.
- Humor 20
By design, the temperature inside the measuring and the saturation chamber of the Humor 20 is uniform. By this, in the range 10 to 40 °C the influence of the ambient temperature is negligible.
- Humor 20
With distilled water inside during transportation, the Humor 20 may be tilted max. 20°. If this cannot be assured, the water must be removed before transportation.
- Humor 20
The humidity generator requires a compressed air of max. 10 bar (145 psi), filtered from particles > 0.1 µm , with residual oil <0.01 mg/m³
- Humor 20
The humidity generator requires distilled water. Do not ever fill in tap water, because it causes deposits in the piping and pressure regulators, which leads to malfunction and eventually to the failure of the Humor 20.
- Humor 20
When you plan to use the humidity generator again within the next 4 days we recommend to keep it powered and the humidity level set to 100 %Rh. For longer periods out of use, please remove the water and dry the humidity generator before switching off the power.
- Humor 20
The cover is part of the measuring chamber and is mandatory for an accurate calibration with the Humor 20. Please consult E+E to check if a cover for your needs is already available.
- Humor 20
A blinking display after rotationg the blue knob for setting a new RH level indicates that the new RH level has not been reached yet. The display should stop blinking after about 3 minutes when the new RH point is reached. For a longer (or continuously) blinking display please consult the Humor 20 operation manual.
- Humor 20
Set the display switch to temperature.
- Humor 20
Yes. Please contact E+E for details and availability.
Calibration means comparing the specimen with a reference and documenting the deviations. Adjustment means bringing the specimen in line with the reference.
Both certificates state the deviation of the speciment from the reference, while the accredited certificate also includes the overall uncertainity of the calibration process. Only an accredited calibration certificate is traceable to the national standard (NMI) and international standards. See also our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in measuring technology".
There is no difference. The E+E factory calibration certificate is an ISO certificate.
Before returning a device for service or calibration, please contact E+E, an E+E subsidiary, or an E+E distributor for a quote and instruction on the return procedure.
Yes, this is possible in most of the cases. Before sending in a device for calibration, please contact E+E, an E+E subsidiary, or an E+E distributor, which will confirm if the required calibration can be performed and issue a quote.
The E+E calibration laboratory performs accredited calibrations for: relative humidity, dew point temperature, air velocity, flow, temperature, CO₂, and pressure. For details please see our calibration website for details of possible ranges of calibration.
- EE220
- EE060 / EE061
- EE99-1
- EE381
- EE160
- EE300Ex
- EE300Ex-M3
- EE210
- EE820
- EE850
- EE364
- EE150
- EE431
- EE451
- EE471
- EE660
- EE650
- EE211
- EE600
- EE610
- EE100Ex
- EE212
- HTP201
- CDS201
- HTS201
- TES201
Transmitter with "two-wire" technology receive the power from the process, and the signal is carried on return wire (closed current loop). With "three-wires" technology the power supply is separate from current output: 2 wires are the power supply and the third carries the signal.
- Humidity
Do not attempt to clean the filter cap. This would only lead to its clogging. A dirty filter cap must be replaced by a new, original one. See the accessory data sheet for replacement filter caps.
The E+E proprietary sensor coating is a protective layer applied to the active surface and leads of the sensing elements. The coating extends the lifetime and the measurement performance of the E+E sensor.
The E+E propritary coating helps in dirty, dusty and corrosive environments. (salts, off-shore applications). It improves the sensor’s long-term stability in dusty, dirty or oily applications by preventing stray impedances caused by deposits on the active sensor surface and on its connecting leads.
The E+E propriatary coating oating does not help against chemicals in gazeous form. Contact an E+E sales representative for details on the influence of certain chemicals onto the humidity sensing elements.
The response time of a humidity sensor protected by the E+E proprietary coating is slightly longer than the response time without coating. Please see the data sheet of the specific sensor.
Temperature gradients along the sensing probes lead to relevant measurement errors. Whenever possible, install the entire probe inside the space that is to be monitored. If the probe is installed into a separation wall, make sure to thermally isolate the part of the probe thaht is looking out of the wall at the cable side.
The product data sheet indicates if and what type of inspection certificate is included in to the standard scope of supply. Most of the E+E measurement devices feature an inspection certificate according to DIN EN 10204-3.1 or DIN EN 10204-2.2. An accredited calibration certificate is available on request, see the E+E scope of accreditation at our calibration website.
- Humidity
The calibration / adjustment interval depends on the application and on the requirements of the specific industry. See also "Principles of Humidity measurement".
- EE381
- EE364
- Oilport 30 Set
- EE360
- Omniport 40
- Moisture in Oil
Calibration for a specific oil is a laboratory procedure for determining the saturation curve of the oil. The saturation curve is described by two parameters (A and B). These parameters are used for setting up the moisture in oil sensor for correct calculation of the water content (ppm) out of the measured temperature and water activity (aw).
- EE381
- EE364
- Oilport 30 Set
- EE360
- Omniport 40
- Moisture in Oil
Sensor replacement is possible for the EE360 models with the ordering code including PC4 (pluggable probe). Please see the operation manual or detail and spare part code ordering guide.
- EE381
- EE364
- Oilport 30 Set
- EE360
- Omniport 40
No, coating is not available for the E+E MIO sensors.
- EE381
- EE364
- Oilport 30 Set
- EE360
- Omniport 40
- Moisture in Oil
The standard scope of supply of E+E MIO sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
- EE381
- EE364
- Oilport 30 Set
- EE360
- Omniport 40
- Moisture in Oil
No, mineral transformer oils from different manufacturers are quite similar. A and B parameters are the same.
- EE820
- CO₂
Not at all. Do not temper in any way with the CO₂ sensing cell. Please see the operation manual of the specific E+E CO₂ measurement device.
- CO₂
Not at all. Do not temper in any way with the CO₂ sensing cell. Please see the operation manual of the specific E+E CO₂ measurement device.
- EE820
- EE850
- EE8915
- EE872
- CO₂
All E+E CO₂ measuring devices feature an auto-calibration function. For details please refer to "Principles of CO₂ measurement".
- CO₂
Yes, this in normal in several applications. It is the case for instance in new concrete buildings, due to the concrete carbonation effect. The calcium in the new concrete binds CO₂ from the air.
- CO₂
The standard scope of supply of E+E CO₂ sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 2.2. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
- CO₂
Accredited calibration certificate for CO₂ is available upon request, please see our calibration website.
- Air Velocity
Due to its design and materials, the E+E thin film sensing element for air velocity is highly insensitive to pollution. When operating in very dusty or dirty environment, cleaning might be necessary. See section maintenance at air velocity measurement basics.
- Air Velocity
This is not possible. Return the device to E+E for service.
- Air Velocity
The standard scope of supply of E+E air velocity sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 2.2 or DIN EN 10204 - 3.1, depending on the model. Please see the product data sheet and operation manual for the type of certificate. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
- Air Velocity
Accredited calibration certificate for air velocity is available upon request, please see our calibration website.
- Air Velocity
For readjusting the air velocity sensor you first of all need a reliable reference. This would be a wind channel. For the readjustment procedure please see the operation manual of the specific E+E air velocity
In case an approriate air velocity reference is not available, please return the device to E+E for service.
- Dew Point
The dew point temperature (Td) indicates where condensation begins. The frost point temperature (Tf) indicates where icing begins.
- Dew Point
Yes, the probe and the sensing element of all E+E dew point measurement devices are wettable.
- EE371
- EE355
- Dew Point
Low dew point means the difference between the ambient temperature and the dew point temperature is higher than 40 °C (104 °F). This corresponds to RH <5%.
The appropriate products are the EE371 and EE355. Both devices feature an auto-calibration procedure.
- HTS801
- Dew Point
High dew point means the difference between the ambient temperature and the dew point temperature is lower than 3 °C (5,4 °F), which corresponds to RH >85 %.
The appropriate product is the HTS801-M4T7. The device features a heated sensing element and probe body (dual heating system).
- Dew Point
The auto-calibration corrects periodically even the smallest drift of the capacitive sensor at very low relative humidity. This is necessary for high accuracy and long-term stability of the dew point measurement. The auto-calibration is performed every 30 minutes and takes approx. 3 minutes. During the auto-calibration, the output is frozen at the last measured dewpoint value.
- EE371
- EE355
- Dew Point
Auto-calibration is used by EE371 and EE355.
- Dew Point
The standard scope of supply of E+E dew point sensors includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see www.kalibrierdienst.at/fileadmin/content/White_Paper_Calibration_and_traceability_in_measuring_technology.pdf
- EE371
- EE354
- EE355
- Dew Point
Accredited calibration certificate for dew point temperature is available upon request, please see our calibration website.
No, this is not allowed. The ATEX devices must carry the original manufacturer labels at all times.
- Humidity
- Temperature
The standard scope of supply of ATEX E+E humidity and temperature measurement devices includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see www.kalibrierdienst.at/fileadmin/content/White_Paper_Calibration_and_traceability_in_measuring_technology.pdf
- Humidity
- Temperature
Accredited calibration certificate for ATEX E+E humidity and temperature measurement devices is available upon request, please see our calibration website.
- Flow
The additional measurement error is up to 3 % of the measured value.
- Flow
The standard scope of supply of E+E flow measurement devices includes an inspection certificate according DIN EN 10204 - 3.1. For details on calibration certificates please see our white paper "Calibration and Traceability in Measuring Technology".
- Flow
Accredited calibration certificate for flow is available upon request, please see our calibration website.
- Flow
For readjusting the flow sensor you first of all need a reliable reference. In case this is not available, please return the device to E+E for service. Otherwise see the readjustment procedure in the operation manual of the specific E+E flow sensor.
- Flow
Yes. Use the E+E Product Configuration Software, section "Process Parameters". See operation manual of the specific E+E device.
Certificate Type 2.1
Declaration of compliance with the order - Statement of compliance with the order.
Certificate Type 2.2
Test report - Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of nonspecific inspection.
Certificate Type 3.1
Inspection certificate 3.1 - Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of specific inspection.
- HTS801
Due to the direct contact of the HTS801 sensor element with the measurement medium, chemical contaminants (e.g. VOCs / vapors) can penetrate the sensor polymer and cause drift effects.
Automatic ReCovery (ARC) is used to remove this chemical contamination and thus eliminate possible drift effects of the RH /T sensing element. This is accomplished by intense heating of the sensing element.
- HTS801
No. For low Dew Point measurement EE355 / EE371 are the right products, which have an auto-calibration function to ensure ±2 °C Td accuracy. The HTS801 calculates the Td values down to -80 °C according to its possible temperature range and is able to scale its analogue outputs accordingly. The HTS801 Td accuracy results from its RH and T accuracy at the operating point. The E+E Humidity calculator helps to determine the Td accuracy.
- HTS801
Deviations due to chemical contamination and how fast they occur depend mainly on the concentration of the chemicals, the duration of the contamination, the temperature, and the type of chemicals.
The ARC trigger interval must be determined according to the drift response time and tolerable measurement errors. As a starting point, it is recommended that ARC be triggered every 24 hours. From there, the intervals can be optimized in a range from 1 hour to once per week. Additionally using the ARC module or Modbus commands the function can be triggered at or after a certain process step.
- EE354
- EE355
- Sigma 05
Yes. It is possible.
EE354 / EE355 are “Sigma Compatible Probes”, for details pleas see the Sigma 05 user manual.
For operations with the Sigma 05, the EE354 / EE355 requires manual setup (see Sigma 05 user manual) and a cable connection adapter.
The cable connection adapter can be realized with the accessories HA010819 and HA010706.
- EE600
- EE610
No, it is not recommended. It can have a negative effect on the measurement result and measurement accuracy, especially at a low pressure.
- EE160
Since upgrading the sensing element of the EE160 from HCT01 to the new ASIC based RH/T sensing element there is no longer a microcontroller in the product. The only serial number readable via PCS 10 is that of the ASIC. The serial number on the product label is the one used to identify the main PCB.