CO₂ Measurement

E+E's years of experience in sensors and thin-film technology lead to highest quality non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO₂ measuring cells. The cells with gold-plated light path are assembled in state-of-the-art clean rooms and represent the prerequisite for highly accurate and long term stable CO₂ measurement.

Product range

Omniport 40 Multifunctional Hand-held Meter

CO₂ Hand-held Meter

Portable measurement of CO₂, humidity, temperature and air velocity with interchangeable probes and data logging feature.

CO₂ measurement sensor

CO₂ Probes and Modules

Compact, user configurable, temperature and pressure compensation, long term stable, low power consumption.

CO₂ measurement transmitter

CO₂ Transmitters

Room, wall and duct mount CO₂ sensors for demand controlled ventilation and process control. Available also with additional humidity and temperature outputs.

Measuring Method

The E+E CO₂ sensors feature the dual wavelength/dual detector NDIR principle. One detector is tuned to 4.2 µm wavelengths, which is absorbed by CO₂, the second detector on 3.9 µm, which is not affected by any gas. For every single measurement the CO₂ concentration is calculated from the outputs of the two detectors.

This procedure is highly insensitive to pollution and appropriate for both HVAC and industrial process control.

A multiple point CO₂ and temperature adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO₂ measurement accuracy over the entire temperature working range.

Several E+E CO₂ measuring devices feature also temperature, humidity and barometric pressure measurement.


Product Range

  • HVAC sensors
  • Sensors for agriculture and industrial process control
  • OEM probes
  • Data loggers
  • Hand-held instruments



  • Demand controlled ventilation
  • Indoor air quality
  • Stables
  • Incubators
  • Greenhouses
  • Industrial process control
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