Carbon Dioxide Calibration

The E+E accredited laboratory performs calibrations for CO₂ concentration in the range 5...300,000 ppm for all common CO₂ measuring devices such as sensors, handhelds, data loggers, spectrometers and for reference gases.

The calibration is performed as comparative measurement with a constant, free selectable CO₂ reference concentration generated according to the austrian primary standard. Due to the operation principle of the generator, the CO₂ reference concentration can be traced back to length, temperature and mass, which are fundamental physical quantities of the International System of Units (SI). Therefore, the E+E CO₂ reference generator is a primary standard.

Scope of Accreditation E+E Calibration Laboratory

Calibration Calibration object Calibration conditions Calibration range* Calibration uncertainty*
NMI Lab Measuring devices for recording the CO2 concentration, Calibration of CO2 reference gases Special calibration of CO₂ measuring instruments in the Designated Institute BEV/E+E
AA 0608 Lab Measuring devices for recording the CO2 concentration, Calibration of CO2 reference gases (23 ± 5) °C
ambient pressure
5...375 ppm
375...300,000 ppm
(6 + 0.55 % of m. v.) ppm
(6 + 0.23 % of m. v.) ppm

* The specifications apply to the mole fraction x in μmol/mol as well as the volume fraction φ in μL/L.

Accredited CO₂ Calibration

According to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) agreements, only calibration laboratories accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 can ensure the traceability of measurement results to SI and their full international comparability. The accredited calibration certificate states the measurement uncertainty associated to the specific calibration process.

Accredited CO₂ calibration certificates are generally required for measuring devices used for safety or for the control of key manufacturing processes. Accredited CO₂ calibrations are of interest for instance in the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) regulated industries such as food and pharmaceutical. Reliable CO₂ monitoring and control is paramount for biological incubators. In building automation, the accuracy of CO₂ measuring devices impacts directly on the efficiency of demand controlled ventilation systems.

Inquire Calibration

Accompanying Slip

For efficient processing of your calibration order, please also send us a fully completed accompanying slip with the measuring device to be checked. 

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