Air Velocity Calibration

The air velocity measurement devices are calibrated by comparison with a laser Doppler anemometer in a homogeneous, reproducible flow (wind tunnel).
The E+E accredited calibration laboratory employs two tunnels for the air velocity range up 40 m/s (7874 ft/min) and up to 2 m/s (394 ft/min) respectively. E+E Elektronik maintains also the Designated Institute (DI) responsible for the Austrian national standard for air flow velocity.

Scope of Accreditation E+E Calibration Laboratory

Calibration Calibration object Measurement conditions Measurement range Calibration uncertainty
NMI Lab Special calibration of air velocity measuring instruments in the Designated Institute BEV/E+E
AA 0608 Lab Measuring instruments for
recording air velocity
(23 ±3) °C
ambient air pressure
0.04...2 m/s 0.004 m/s + 0.47 % of m.v.
AA 0608 Lab Measuring instruments for
recording air velocity
5...80 °C
ambient air pressure
0.3...40 m/s 0.004 m/s + 0.47 % of m.v.


Calibration Procedure

For the calibration of air velocities of 0.04 m/s to 2 m/s, a vertical wind tunnel is used with an Eiffel design (open circuit). The measurement path with a closed design is square, with a side length of 25 cm and produces a very homogeneous low-turbulence flow profile.

For the calibration of air velocities of 0.3 m/s to 40 m/s, a horizontal wind tunnel is used with an Göttinger design (closed circuit). The measurement path is round, with a diameter of 25 cm and produces a very homogeneous low-turbulence free steel profile.

The temperature in the wind tunnel can be regulated via a heat exchanger in the measurement volume in a temperature range of 5 °C to 80 °C.

A Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) is used as a reference for the measurement of the flow velocity.

Inquire Calibration

Accompanying Slip

For efficient processing of your calibration order, please also send us a fully completed accompanying slip with the measuring device to be checked. 

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