Modular 4 in 1 Probe for CO₂, Humidity, Temperature and Pressure

  • CO₂
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Sigma 05


The EE872 reliably measures CO₂ concentration up to 5 % (50 000 ppm) in agriculture, life stock barns, hatchers, incubators, green houses or outdoors. The active pressure and temperature compensation with on-board sensors leads to best CO₂ measurement accuracy independently of the altitude or environmental conditions.

EE872 incorporates the E+E dual wavelength NDIR CO₂ sensor, which automatically compensates for ageing effects, is highly insensitive to pollution and ensures an outstanding long term stability. The multi-point CO₂ and temperature adjustment leads to an outstanding measurement accuracy. The RH sensing element with E+E proprietary coating is suitable even for aggressive and corrosive environment.

Beside CO₂, the EE872 measures also relative humidity (RH), temperature and ambient pressure (p). Additionally, the devices calculated also the dew point temperature (Td).

The heated versions of the EE872 are suitable even for high humidity and condensing environment. The IP65 enclosure and the PTFE filter cap offer excellent protection in polluted environment. With a catalytic filter cap, the EE872 is also appropriate for applications with periodical H2O2 sterilization.

The CO₂ measured data is available simultaneously on the analogue voltage and current outputs. Depending on the EE872 version, the RS485 interface with Modbus RTU offers also the RH, T, p, or Td data.

The free PCS10 Product Configuration Software together with an optional adapter cable facilitates the configuration and adjustment of the EE872.

Sigma 05 - Modular Sensor Platform

The EE872 is compatible with the Sigma 05 host device of the E+E Modular Sensor Platform. Together they become a versatile, plug-and-play CO2 /RH/T/p modular sensor with analogue outputs and optional display. Besides EE872, Sigma 05 accommodates also other E+E intelligent sensing probes. See for further details.

We are always available to answer any questions you may have! Inquire now
  • 4 in 1: CO₂, RH, T and p measurement
  • Heated versions for high humidity, condensing conditions
  • Dual wavelength NDIR CO₂ measuring principle
  • CO₂ measuring range up to 50,000 ppm
  • T and p compensation with on-board sensors
  • Replaceable sensing module
  • IP65 protection class
  • Low power consumption
  • Excellent long-term stability
  • High insensitivity to pollution
  • Analogue output or Modbus RTU
  • User configurable and adjustable
Measuring Range CO₂
0…2000 ppm0…5000 ppm0…10000 ppm0…3 % (30000 ppm)0…5 % (50000 ppm)
Accuracy CO₂ - * mv – measured value
± (50 ppm + 2 % mv*)± (50 ppm + 3 % mv*)± (100 ppm + 5 % mv*)± (1.5 % from full scale + 2 % mv*)± (1.5 % from full scale + 2 % mv*)
Measuring range Relative Humidity
0…95 % RH (non condensing)
Accuracy Relative Humidity at 25 °C (77 °C) and 20...80% RH
typ. ± 3 % RH
Measuring range Pressure
700…1100 mbar (10.15...15.95 psi)
Accuracy Pressure at 25 °C
typ. ± 2 mbar
Measuring range Temperature
-40…60 °C (-40...140 °F)
Accuracy Temperature at 5…60 °C (41…140 °F)
typ. ± 0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F)
Output analogue
0-5V / 10 V and 0/4-20 mA
Output digital
Modbus RTU
15-35 VDC (current)12-30 VDC (voltage / RS485)
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Custom solutions for precise results

For more than 40 years, E+E Elektronik has been developing and manufacturing its highly precise and long-term stable sensors exclusively at its headquarters in Engerwitzdorf, Austria. The high level of vertical integration – from the sensor element to the precisely calibrated measuring device – ensures compliance with the highest quality standards and enables a quick response to customer-specific requirements.

E+E Elektronik offers:

  • Accredited sensor calibration for the highest quality standards
  • Efficient service – worldwide through local offices
  • Short delivery times
More about E+E
E+E Elektronik Headquarters
E+E Elektronik Headquarters in Engerwitzdorf, Austria


All E+E CO₂ measuring devices feature an auto-calibration function. For details please refer to "Principles of CO₂ measurement".

We are always available to answer any questions you may have! Inquire now

Downloads EE872

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Matthew Nemeth | Managing Director E+E Elektronik Corporation USA
Matthew Nemeth | Managing Director E+E Elektronik Corporation USA
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